Myofascial release takes place during a massage or Postural Reeducational therapy session. It is often used over a broad area of muscle and tissue rather than at single points. These areas where the massage therapist is working may not be near where the pain originates or where you feel the pain most prominently. Most of the time it is over an area with postural discrepancy or limited movement. It reduces tension throughout your body by applying long period of pressure over the fascia. An embryological connective tissue, and 3D continuous web of elastin and collagen fibres surrounded by a viscous fluid. These two fibre types allow fascias to be very strong yet have a high degree of flexibility. Research has proven that fascia, like muscle, has the ability to contract and relax and plays a major role in mobility and stability of joints. Fascia acts as a tensegrity (tension and integrity) model where tension and resistance rely on each other for stability and function besides sliding and gliding mechanism between structures. Following all physical and emotional trauma and through poor posture, fascia scars and hardens in the affected site and along the tension lines imposed on it. This causes the fascial network to lose its cushioning mechanism and internal structures become pulled out of alignment. This in turn creates an abnormal pressure, up to 2,000 pounds (Katake 1961) per square inch, crushing nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels and further creating tension on adjacent pain-sensitive structures and those along the fascial pull. So much more than just a treatment for the muscular system, MFR might be used in conjunction with other treatments to reduce the pooling and pain caused by venous insufficiency. (However, it isn’t ideal for people with deep vein thrombosis, deep vein issues or taking blood-thinning medications) Though mainly for chronic pain disorder caused by sensitivity and tightness.