Craniosacral therapy

Cranio Sacral Therapy is a gentle approach that releases tensions deep in the body by applying light touch to the skull, face, spine, and pelvis. Life expresses itself as motion. At a deep level of our physiological functioning all healthy, living tissues subtly “breathe” with the motion of life – a phenomenon that produces rhythmic impulses which can be palpated by sensitive hands.


The presence of these subtle rhythms in the body was discovered by osteopath Dr William Sutherland over 100 years ago, after he had a remarkable insight while examining the specialised articulations of cranial bones. Contrary to popular belief Dr Sutherland realised that cranial sutures were, in fact, designed to express small degrees of motion. He undertook many years of research during which he demonstrated the existence of this motion and eventually concluded it is essentially produced by the body’s inherent life force, which he referred to as the “Breath of Life.” Furthermore, Dr Sutherland discovered that the motion of cranial bones he first discovered is closely connected to subtle movements that involve a network of interrelated tissues and fluids at the core of the body; including cerebrospinal fluid (the ‘sap in the tree’), the central nervous system, the membranes that surround the central nervous system and the sacrum. The focus of CST is to use light gentle methods to help the body lessen structural strain so our biological network can work at peak levels. This helps to improve our ability to heal and function fully at our optimal level.

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